数学論文投稿拒絶(Journal of Functional Analysis, Elsevier)
Ref. No.: JFA-25-93
Title: An Elementary Approach to The Fourier Transform of Non-Absolutely
Integrable Functions
Journal of Functional Analysis
Dear Yoshihiko Akaiwa,
Thank you for submitting the above mentioned article to Journal of Functional
Analysis. Given the very large number of submissions each year, we can only
accept articles of the highest level. After carefully studying your paper, the
Editorial Board regrets that we cannot accept your manuscript for publication
in the Journal of Functional Analysis.
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to consider your work.
Yours sincerely,
Guido De Philippis, Alexandru Ionescu and Stefaan Vaes
Journal of Functional Analysis
その次のメールで、Elsevier 社の他の幾つかのJournal への投稿を推薦してきたけど、これはと思うのはなかったので、断りました。これで最後にするつもりでしたが、気が変わって、Chat GPT に相談しました。次のような勧めが来たので、また、投稿する気になってきました。
Your paper, “An Elementary Approach to the Fourier Transform of Non-Absolutely Integrable Functions,” seems to be focused on Fourier analysis, particularly extending the Fourier transform to functions that are not absolutely integrable. Here are some academic journals that might be suitable for your submission:
• If
your paper has a strong theoretical component, Journal of Fourier Analysis and
Applications or Integral Transforms and Special Functions would be ideal.
• If it involves a novel mathematical approach, Journal of
Mathematical Analysis and Applications or Proceedings of the AMS would be good
• If your approach is more elementary and expository, you
might consider Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society
or Bulletin of the LMS.
私の論文は、elementary (初等的)、 expository (解説的) なので、Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society に投稿するつもりです。
この論文誌のwebsite に次のような表示がありましたので紹介します。
Most cited Article
- A generalized inverse for matrices
- R. Penrose
- Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, Volume 51, Issue 3
著者はあの有名なノーベル物理学賞受賞者と思われます。私の論文でのkey word はgeneralized-limit inverse Fourier transform です。