数学論文投稿 ( Journal of Functional Analysis, Elsevier )

私の論文”An Elementary Approach to The Fourier Transform of Non-Absolutely Integrable Functions” 電気学会からも門前払いになりました。事務局からの連絡によれば、査読者2名を見つけることができなかったそうです。私が推薦していた、査読者にも断られたのかもしれません。電気工学では必須の数学道具であるフーリエ変換の基礎理論をやさしく書いているだけであるので、査読してもらえないのは残念です。

最後の手段として、Elsevier 社が発行する、Journal of Functional Analysis に投稿しました。Fourier Transform を専門とするEditor もいるので、分野外との理由で拒絶されることはないかと思います。この論文誌は、九大の元総長、有川節夫 (九大数学科卒)名誉教授の紹介で、同じく九大の名誉教授の中尾充宏先生から投稿先として助言をいただいたものです。

論文要約と謝辞の部分を英語のまま、以下に貼り付けます。電子情報通信学会の対応については、論文原稿の改善では感謝するけれども、査読拒否の最終判断を関節的に批判する文言を書かせてもらいました。結果がどうなるにせよ、これがだめであれば以後の投稿は諦めます。web には残せるので、そこまで悔いは残りません。

Abstract To provide an alternative theoretical foundation to the Fourier transform of non-absolutely integrable functions in a conventional manner, a modification to define the Fourier transforms is proposed. The integration interval is truncated and is later expanded to infinity, referred to as the generalized-limit Fourier transform. This definition is closely related to the transition from the Fourier series to the Fourier integral.

    This approach yields a Fourier-transform result identical to the result obtained using the distribution-theory-based approach in terms of the generalized limit of the definition within the distribution theory. The meanings of the Fourier transform definitions within the distribution theory, conventional approaches developed thus far, and our approach are clarified when viewed within the scope of traditional mathematical treatments.

    Our approach, within the context of elementary mathematics, demonstrates the mathematical foundation of linear time-invariant systems where distributions δ(t) and exp(iωt) play dominant roles.

     The motivation for this paper is owed to the late Prof. Y. Takahashi. The author is deeply grateful to him for his inspiring comments. The author thanks Emeritus Prof. A. Yoshikawa and Prof. K. Kajiwara of Kyushu University for their useful suggestions and introducing books for references, and the editors and the anonymous reviewers of Transaction on Fundamentals of the IEICE Japan for useful comments to improve this paper during the ten-times submission rounds, although further submission of the revised paper had been ultimately unallowed by the editorial committee. The author thanks Emeritus Prof. S. Arikawa, a former president of Kyushu University, and Emeritus Prof. M. Nakao for their encouraging comments and for suggesting the submission to the Journal of Functional Analysis.
     This study was partially funded by Microwave Lab. Co. Ltd in Munakata-City, Japan.



数学論文投稿 (電子情報通信学会 10回目の拒絶)

数学論文投稿 (電子情報通信学会 9度目の拒絶と10回目の投稿)
